Thursday, September 22, 2011


So many things happen every day, and while I admire the people who blog every day...honestly, I'm too busy making memories to write them down!
In our household journal that the SOL sister have written in when they come, several sisters used to word "stretch". "Austria stretches you", they say. The first day, when myself and my 3 other household sisters here opened the household box and read that, I don't know about them, but I didn't get it. As the days pass, however, I can't get that word off of my mind. When I realized my classes were not going to be a piece of cake, when I got blisters the size of texas on every one of my toes from walking all day, when I experienced just how uncomfortable sleeping on a bus really is...I began to understand the meaning of "stretched". Even further than that, I feel that God is stretching me to the very seams in my spiritual life, in my relationships, and in the non-stop pace of life here. It's the kind of stretching that leads to a better formed product, though. You know when you're spreading pizza dough? You have to tug and pull at the dough, that just does not want to spread. If you make a hole, you don't know what you're going to do, but you just keep stretching. Yes, I just made an food analogy, but that's the way my mind works, I guess.

Speaking of a non-stop pace....I have to go before I have really written anything concrete. Well, I'll put up a picture of a mountain. Ok. Bye for now.


  1. Hi Maureen,
    I am Brianna's Mom, Karen, and a fellow blogger. Love the blog! I am living through the experiences that all of you are going through there. We are praying for all of you as you are on this "pilgrimage" that I am sure will continue to stretch you. I look forward to following your journey!

  2. Hi Karen! I'm so glad you're enjoying my blog, it's nice to know people read it besides my family =) Thanks so much for prayers, you are in ours. What's the name of your blog? I'd love to check it out.
