Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Thoughts from the 4th floor.

College is a funny place. We build up to it, idealize it, say we love it, and try and convince ourselves that this absurd schedule we keep is normal and "nbd", while complaining about it of course. We eat terribly, get up at absurd hours of the morning to study, play intermural sports "for fun" against people who are so good they should be on a real team, learn important life-changing information from professors who should have been fired the day they started, and call this whole thing "an education". It really should be called "an immersion".

We spend so much of our time worrying about how everyone's college experience is better than ours. Everyone else studies more, prays more (may not be a desirable trait elsewhere, but here it is), has more fun, is more well liked, and has a body totally uneffected by unlimited ice cream monday-friday and french fry decked salad. I'm starting to realize how much time we spend not spending our time. We're not in the "mood" for stepping out of our comfort zones, and by the time we figure out what a blessing it is to be "young and dumb" (song my mat kearney...the rest of the title is "in love", but let's face it...we're not all in love), we have wasted the "young" part, and the "dumb" is looked down upon less favorably. Ok, so don't take this as my personal "screw rules and let's drink till we pass out", this is simply my thought progression on a typical Tuesday night.

"Oh, to be young and dumb and in love...."