Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Just One...More...Step.

Sweat, Pavement...
My lungs fill with beautiful, glorious air.
Cramps, Aches...
I push my body knowing I'm almost there.
Racing heart, Heaving chest...
I'm getting so close to rest...
Just One...More...Step.

Rushing, Smiling...
"Would you like some sorbet, Ma'am"?
Scoop, Drop...
There's a shopping cart traffic jam.
Running low, Crazy store...
No more spoons, have to get more.
Just One...More...Step.

Slow, Afraid...
I move as though about to break.
Pain, Grimace...
Have to try, it's just an ice pack in the freezer I have to take.
Fighting, crying out from the pain...
I spill some juice, it leaves a stain.
Just One...More...Step.

Raindrops, Disappointment...
My cheeks don't need more liquid sorrow.
Anger, Hurt...
Praying, praying for a better tomorrow
Take a deep breathe, hope for the best...
Trust that God will take care of the rest.
Just One...More...Step.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Catch a Falling Star and Put it in Your Pocket

There are so many things about life that catch my breath. One of them is fireworks. It's more than the bang and florescent explosion before your eruption of weird colors like purple and green, together in a large circle in the sky- those I could do without. The reason I love fireworks, and the reason I watch with bated breath are the "fallling stars" I call them. I've never seen a shooting star, or a falling star (are they the same thing? I don't know), but I can't imagine it could be any better than those certain fireworks. Do you know the one's I'm talking about? They are usually gold, but they can be any color, and they are the ones that shoot up, and then disapear for an instant before reappearing. They burst into a full glory, and then as you watch, the gold explosions drift slowly down, lengthening as they go, and looking altogether almost like a weeping willow tree. As they slowly fade, you can almost picture yourself reaching out and catching some of that glorious wishing dust in your hand....before you are again assulted with the cheap neon thrill and deafening roar of the other fireworks.

For once in my short life google images has failed me. It's alright, just close your eyes, I know you can see it.